While meditation enables a portal into deep inner silence, it also cultivates the art of letting go. Throughout the day our minds are working overtime to strategize, solve problems, dwell on past events and more. Spending too much time in our heads is what makes us prisoners to our own thoughts, as our minds become the commanders of our existence. The reason why we suffer from depression, stress and anxiety is because we become identified with those thoughts which we also cannot seem to keep up with.

The drawback: We miss out on being.

Contrary to common belief, meditation is about witnessing your thoughts, accepting them and then letting them go rather than controlling them, which can bring about frustration. By cultivating a meditation practice and letting go of your thoughts and shifting attention to your body or heartbeat will create a gap between two identities: Being and thinking.

By witnessing thoughts that come and go, you are able to elevate your sense of spiritual identity. As I mediate, I personally feel like a bird flying high looking down on the mental chatter and clutter, and I am able to see my thoughts for what they really are, false belief systems.

What Are Belief Systems? Consider the below situation:

Two people, Sisi and Lulu, are presented with the same opportunity. Sisi shies away and feels she will fail before she even tries, meanwhile Lulu seizes the opportunity and blossoms. Why is it that Lulu goes for it and Sisi shoots herself in the leg before she even begins? Belief systems.

Lulu is probably getting up every morning telling herself that she is a winner and she is a force to be reckoned with! She is convinced that nothing can bring her down. Maybe her parents empowered her as a child, or maybe not. The point is that she decided at one point or another to plant a seed of intention which grew into an unshakable and strong tree with strong deep roots and branches that reach for the stars. She is the decider of her fate and has cultivated empowering inner self dialogue. She has chosen to be responsible for her own life and fate. Lulu has even removed the word “can’t” from her vocabulary.

Sisi rolls out of bed every morning thinking “What’s the point?” She spent her life watching her father remain in a risk free zone since she was born, while her mother was a stay at home mom who remained passive about most things her whole life. She spent her life believing she wasn’t good enough because her 3rd grade teacher once told her that she would never amount to anything. She plants the seed of doubt in her mind everyday and waters it with thoughts of unworthiness. She has really managed to build a strong belief that she is nothing more than a victim to life’s circumstances. Sisi uses less “I can!” and more “I can’t!”

Sisi has the tools and knowledge to accomplish just as much as Lulu, but it is her assumed truths that are holding her back. That’s exactly what our belief systems are! Nothing more than assumed truths that are derived from our experiences.

The good news is that beliefs can be changed! So why not plant the seeds that empower us? We’ve already spent enough time and energy doing the the opposite and we know that hasn’t been serving us! A big part of taking full responsibility for our lives includes altering our false belief systems! It’s time to get excited about feeling empowered!

With loving energy,
