They say she has the sweetest lips,

Thirst quenched, with a single kiss.

God forbid the truth does slip,

These lips speak words that you dismiss.


They say complicated is her nature,

She cannot decide, a lover or a hater.

Oblivious to her depth, her heart’s a glacier,

Linger on the surface and remain a stranger.


Did I mention, her hourglass?

Too big, too thin, just right at last!

But for her voice, they did not ask,

A shrine, a temple, she does surpass.


To all the women who walk the earth,

We’re so much more, our souls rebirth.

The truth of womanhood, & all we’re worth,

Equality we seek, not shallow mirth.


With loving energy,



A breaking point can turn into a breakthrough with one key ingredient: the willingness to feel better no matter what it takes. This is the kind of willingness that involves shattering the foundations of our core values, rewiring our beliefs and re-centering our navigation. This rebirth, is not one that thrives on quick fixes and distractions. It requires an honest approach.

I remember when I made feeling better a priority in my life. It one was the clearest turning points of my life. I wanted to feel better at any cost. I wanted to find out who I am and started to ask the bigger questions in life. But all at the same time there was so much I had to forgive myself for. I felt such an urge to finally accept and thus release all the lower vibrational feelings (stress, fear, anxiety and depression) that were pretty much riding me my whole life.

Through my 27 years of life, many people encouraged me write. I just couldn’t picture myself carrying a diary! I even sought a psychologist in my teenage years who really tried to get me to journal my thoughts. I resisted this idea so much and couldn’t understand why she wasn’t giving me a real solution. There was noway that something so simple could solve my complicated feelings, until I met a total stranger in a nearby park who changed my life. His name was Aaron.

Aaron was the kind of person who wore a smile on his face at all times. I had seen him wandering barefoot in the park throughout that spring season. He wore the simplest clothes and carried a journal and satchel around with him no matter where he went. Authenticity shot rays of light out of his physical body.  I can’t say for sure what attracted me to him, but it felt like the divine timing of synced energies. After sharing his story with me, I was fascinated by this person even more. As our conversation went on, I expressed my willingness to feel better and, you guessed it! He encouraged me to write.

That afternoon, I bought a notebook and thought, “I have nothing to lose.” That night I opened my notebook and wrote two awkward sentences before my words spilt onto almost half the book. I just couldn’t stop writing. Some pages were written with so much anger I had pierced holes through the pages! But the more I wrote, the more I felt better. I chose to disconnect from the world and left the city whenever I got the chance. I took my notebook everywhere with me. As time went by I felt physically lighter! I felt like I was floating through life unhinged by any emotional weight tugging at me.

I had always thought that physical exercise was my outlet, until I realized how much I was neglecting my soul. Writing allowed me to reconnect with myself. I learnt that writing is more than just filling out school examinations and presenting summaries or essays in exchange for a grade, but I couldn’t see it because I had put up my walls of judgement and resistance for years, until writing was all I had left.

I truly hope this entry inspires you to finally pick up that pen and paper and feel good! Below, are some other hidden powers that writing has to offer you:

  1. by keeping a journal you are able to reflect on your experiences, increase your awareness and reevaluate your life values. Writing has the ability to improve every, yes every, area of your life!
  2. Journaling allows you to cultivate gratitude and presence. A bad mood can easily be switched into feelings of fullness and abundance by jotting down a few of the things in you life that you are grateful for. Gratitude lists have the powerful ability to get your mind off future desire and into current blessings.
  3. A simple to do list has the power to accelerate the manifestation of your goals!

“A dream written down with a date Becomes a goal.”

With loving energy,





A few months ago, a friend of mine was having a bit of a breakdown as she felt helpless to several areas of her life that came tumbling down. It was the first time I watched her surrender her obsessive need to control every outcome in her life. It was also the first time I decided to change my approach towards her. I dropped any need to over-protect her and tell her what she should and should not do. Instead, I chose to listen.

By listening I gave her the floor to do some serious purging of pent up emotions. When she was done, I asked her to take three deep breaths, I took each and every breath right along with her. I didn’t even have to say anything before she blurted out, “Wow! I can’t remember the last time I took a long deep breath!” I watched her have an intense epiphany, cool down and instantly feel relieved. I saw a sparkle in her eye and a newborn commitment to herself. Thus began her journey of self-love.

The point is, we never realize how subconsciously quick and shallow are breaths really are until we take a single and conscious deep breath. In an instant we are relaxed and suddenly aware of  how tense our bodies have been, from our neck and shoulders right down to our feet! Go ahead and give it a go! Day in and day out our stress levels keep our breath intake on the surface, barely going deeper than our chest. This has a lot to do with our fast paced and complicated  lives as well as our fluctuating emotions. No wonder we’re exhausted!

This entry is to remind you of your long forgotten superpowers! A lifelong ego trip can make you oblivious and even forget just how magical breathing really is for the mind and body! Below are some reminders:

1. When we breathe deeply, we oxygenate our bodies which in turn rejuvenates our cells. Cell rejuvenation is what prevents the growth and duplication of abnormal cells. Therefore, conscious inhalations and exhalations are the most powerful ways to self heal! Shallow or irregular breaths prevents full oxygenation of our bodies leaving us even more anxious.

2. Research shows that different emotions are associated with particular breathing patterns. For example, anxiety, anger and fear are associated with quick and shallow breaths, whereas a state of happiness is associated with slower and deeper breaths. However, interestingly enough, emotional states and breathing patterns can work in reverse! That is, conscious short and quick breaths will put you into an anxious state and intentional long deep breaths can bring peace and serenity back into your life.

3. Deep breaths have the ability to bring us back into alignment by bringing us back to the present moment. It is like a portal or grounding technique to get us out of our heads and into our souls.

4. We often get caught up in overthinking and find it difficult to make a decision, but how can a stressed person ever make a good decision? Deep breaths have the ability to clear your head and enable you to act out of intuition.

5. There is a big difference between sleeping and resting. Sleeping for long hours during the day can, in fact make you even more tired and groggy! A healthy sleep routine, along with a regular meditation practice or frequent deep breaths throughout the day can give your body and mind the energy revitalization that you’ve been seeking! Increased oxygen results in increased blood flow which results in increased energy levels!

6. We often forget that exhalation is just as important as inhalation. Shallow breath intakes also means short exhalations.  The process of  full exhalation results in the ejection of carbon dioxide, thus detoxifying the body!

7.  Cancer and other diseases develop in bodies that dominate the acidic half of the pH scale. Shallow breaths advance further acidity, but deep breaths actually have the ability to alkalize the body!

8. It is almost impossible to take a deep breath with a a crouched posture! That is evidence enough to suggest that deep breathing can enforce a good and empowering posture!

Need I say more? Breathing is something we do every second of everyday! Moreover, our bodies are busy breathing even when we are totally asleep! If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is! Be reminded of the miracle that is you! Your body is your temple getting you through this crazy game called life! Love your body enough to go back to basics and give your mind the peace its been longing for!

With loving energy,




Centered Alignment

Let me be honest, there were mornings when writing up a gratitude list was the last thing I wanted to do. Not because I didn’t want the best for myself, but because choosing to complain and wallow in depression had become so second nature to me! Altering my habits required me to make the process of change pleasurable, as opposed to feeling like homework or even a punishment.

The idea is to associate as much pleasure to any new habit that we are trying to implement into our lives, so that the idea of change becomes well..less scary and unfamiliar! So I visualized myself having a fun time doing it. The more I stuck with it, the more I felt gratitude becoming my second nature. Thank you Tony Robbins*

Gratitude lists have the ability to shift focus to everything that is great in your life now, as opposed to constantly putting the fate of your happiness on, what I call, the chase. The chase leaves us downright exhausted and constantly unsatisfied as it takes us away from the present moment. Gratitude also lifts our vibrations and put us in a place of non resistance and when we feel good, we perform better! We tune ourselves into an abundance frequency rather than a frequency of lack!

Having a grateful attitude is like having superpowers! 

While focusing on the good makes the good get better, we often forget to include ourselves in our lists! As I go through my own gratitude lists I realize how little I mention myself! Now it may feel a little strange at first to start putting yourself at the top of your list, but why not? As Lousie hay says, you’ve already spent your energy berating yourself, and that hasn’t served you. Surely, a little self empowerment never hurt nobody!

Start including yourself into your gratitude lists! After all if it wasn’t for your willingness to make a positive change in your life and the world, you wouldn’t be doing it! You can even take it a step further and jot dow 5 things you’re grateful for and create another list for 5 things you love about yourself!

Self reflection isn’t only about self improvement , its is also about self appreciation! The effects of empowerment is yet again, feeling good, and when you feel good you become a super attractor!

*book recommendation: Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins*

With loving energy,



While meditation enables a portal into deep inner silence, it also cultivates the art of letting go. Throughout the day our minds are working overtime to strategize, solve problems, dwell on past events and more. Spending too much time in our heads is what makes us prisoners to our own thoughts, as our minds become the commanders of our existence. The reason why we suffer from depression, stress and anxiety is because we become identified with those thoughts which we also cannot seem to keep up with.

The drawback: We miss out on being.

Contrary to common belief, meditation is about witnessing your thoughts, accepting them and then letting them go rather than controlling them, which can bring about frustration. By cultivating a meditation practice and letting go of your thoughts and shifting attention to your body or heartbeat will create a gap between two identities: Being and thinking.

By witnessing thoughts that come and go, you are able to elevate your sense of spiritual identity. As I mediate, I personally feel like a bird flying high looking down on the mental chatter and clutter, and I am able to see my thoughts for what they really are, false belief systems.

What Are Belief Systems? Consider the below situation:

Two people, Sisi and Lulu, are presented with the same opportunity. Sisi shies away and feels she will fail before she even tries, meanwhile Lulu seizes the opportunity and blossoms. Why is it that Lulu goes for it and Sisi shoots herself in the leg before she even begins? Belief systems.

Lulu is probably getting up every morning telling herself that she is a winner and she is a force to be reckoned with! She is convinced that nothing can bring her down. Maybe her parents empowered her as a child, or maybe not. The point is that she decided at one point or another to plant a seed of intention which grew into an unshakable and strong tree with strong deep roots and branches that reach for the stars. She is the decider of her fate and has cultivated empowering inner self dialogue. She has chosen to be responsible for her own life and fate. Lulu has even removed the word “can’t” from her vocabulary.

Sisi rolls out of bed every morning thinking “What’s the point?” She spent her life watching her father remain in a risk free zone since she was born, while her mother was a stay at home mom who remained passive about most things her whole life. She spent her life believing she wasn’t good enough because her 3rd grade teacher once told her that she would never amount to anything. She plants the seed of doubt in her mind everyday and waters it with thoughts of unworthiness. She has really managed to build a strong belief that she is nothing more than a victim to life’s circumstances. Sisi uses less “I can!” and more “I can’t!”

Sisi has the tools and knowledge to accomplish just as much as Lulu, but it is her assumed truths that are holding her back. That’s exactly what our belief systems are! Nothing more than assumed truths that are derived from our experiences.

The good news is that beliefs can be changed! So why not plant the seeds that empower us? We’ve already spent enough time and energy doing the the opposite and we know that hasn’t been serving us! A big part of taking full responsibility for our lives includes altering our false belief systems! It’s time to get excited about feeling empowered!

With loving energy,




Dear Women

Dear Women,

For the next few minutes, I would like you to drop whatever self-constructed idea you have about yourselves. Just for a few minutes, I ask you to tear down all the perceptions that you’ve developed over the years, about what it is to be a woman and hear me out. Why me? Because I too, once hated being a woman.

We are taught that we are the inferior race and that we are cursed to be born females. I personally watched my own parents give my brother privileges that I could only dream of, and when I asked why, I was repeatedly told “because your brother is a male.” Just like that, with no further explanation. In my culture, and probably in many others, if you are a man your existence is glorified from the second you are born. Baby girls are not met with that much excitement. In fact, some family members will even go far as claiming that the mother is cursed as she is not carrying any baby boys.” Science tells us that it is neither parent that gets to decide. I’ve also frequently heard other women say “Poor Mr. So and so, what an unfortunate marriage! His wife is unable to bear baby boys!”

To be a man is to be exempt from household chores, the color pink and even virginity. Men are taught to be stallions from the minute they learn how to walk and talk. Over the years I’ve heard many mothers worry about whether their sons are virgins or not. The fact that they could be virgins terrified them. They even encouraged their sons to fool around with women that are not from their background, but the woman they decide to marry must be as “pure” and spotless as the color white itself. Untouched, inexperienced, naïve and of-course having child-bearing hips.

Putting aside a man’s upbringing, let’s take a look at girls for a moment. For young women, climbing trees is off limits, sex is taboo or even forbidden and education is a luxury for some. Many times my own father told me not to dare to dream. My life at one point was pretty much planned out. I was allowed to go to university, but I was not allowed to excel in my career, because women are made for husbands and children. There’s a popular saying where I’m from which goes, “May all your days feel as festive as a wedding.” I’m pretty sure I don’t speak for myself only when I say girls are prepped for marriage from the very beginning. Quite literally, we feel like our purpose depends on a man. Where I’m from even if you were lucky enough to get an education, the way you are congratulated is: “Good job, but now it is time to get married.”

Most mothers obsessively pressure their daughters with plastic surgery, diets and make up so that a man can accept them. Physical appearance is the only item on the checklist. Smarts? Forget about it. In fact, if a woman is outspoken she is “troublesome,” so better stay away from her. My mother’s mother taught her to constantly be in tip top shape at all times and to literally obey her husband. Through most of my life I felt that my mother was a wife first, a mother second and a human last. It was painful to watch. I always felt doomed! Was this where my life was heading? What was even the point of living? I hate being a woman! Why god why? And those were only the adversaries I was dealing with at home, not to mention the constant bombardment from media to look and act a certain way. But once I gained awareness I chose to shift my perspective.

These conditions set from a young age result in two things: a competitive attitude to other women and/or resentment towards men. The goal: to rise above. How? by gaining awareness and choosing to look through the lens of love or non-judgment.

This blog is not an attempt to rile you up and certainly not an attempt to get you to hate the men in your life, because what we are oblivious to is the price that men pay to feel entitled. “The Mask of Masculinity,” by Lewis Howes, is a book I’ve recommended many times before and will continue to recommend as it has the power to heal both men and women. Hate never solved anything. Also it is too heavy to carry. Understanding puts our hate and anger to rest, and allows us to identify thus deal with the problem lightly.

The oppressor is always more hurt than the oppressed. I know what you’re thinking, how can you say that Tee! What did the oppressed ever do to deserve cruel treatment? But keep in mind that, only hurt people hurt people. While boys are taught to feel entitled, they are also forbidden from crying. They are taught to “man up.” Showing emotion equals weakness, only anger is allowed. They are pressured to provide and “be the man of the house” when they should be coloring and playing. They are taught to focus on quantity rather than quality of women. Their manhood revolves around the length of their penis from a young age. They compare and contrast themselves and are victimized in “locker room conversations.” That’s got to be rough!

Society has trained men to be emotionless, sex driven, money-making machines. To me, there is no mystery why they cling to those masks! Choose to forgive the men in your life. Forgive them for they simply don’t know any better. Forgiveness does not mean that you are choosing submission at all! It means that you are choosing to heal your heart and the men in your life and that is how you take your power back. You are choosing kindness, and that is where true strength lies.  I understand your anger and frustration. Feel your anger once and for all. Go through your pain and then transmute it into courage and drive to change the fate of many generations after us!

I wasn’t always a girl’s girl. I’ve done and said some nasty things to other girls because I allowed my jealousy to take over. Does that sound familiar to you? I’ve even hated on feminists and claimed that they give us a bad name! But let me tell you something, if it weren’t for feminists all over the world standing up and speaking out, we’d be stuck in the past. Keep in mind, that there was a point in time when we weren’t allowed to vote, speak, work or drive, and those are only recent developments, not to mention the unspeakable injustices that were overlooked 100 years ago. Feminists are working hard for equality, not superiority. The point is, stop competing and judging other women! It doesn’t serve you! It’s actually quite exhausting! Just think, while you were too busy judging her, she actually could’ve enriched your life one way or another.

To all woman across the world, other women and men are not your enemies. Turn inwards and heal yourself first, by understanding rather than judging. Understanding leads to love and healing, judging leads to further hate. On the outside, men and woman are different and there is nothing wrong with that. We are different. But on the inside we are the same: stardust. Choose to be a a believer in energy rather than gender.

Dear women, you are all perfect just the way you are. Each and every one of you is a valuable member of society. You all matter! While the world profits from your lack of self esteem, choose self-love above everything! Stay kind in cruel situations. Don’t let circumstances make you “savage.” Don’t ever feel like you need to be a “bitch” to get things done. You have much to offer and there is a loving sisterhood around you to catch you if you fall.

If I could give each and every little boy and girl the biggest hug in the world,  I most certainly would, but for now the most we can do is admit that humanity is broken and we must be willing to heal ourselves to heal the world. Through my journey I’ve grown to love the fact that I am woman! I’ve tapped into my divine femininity and  felt an inner blossoming I’ve never felt before! Your inner goddess is right there inside of you waiting to be discovered.

With loving energy,




Removing The Mask

How often have you heard the phrase “man up!”? Since childhood we’re taught to ignore or disregard our feelings. We are accused of being “emotional” or “too sensitive” if we are upset. This approach to brought about generations of people who freak out and crumble when feelings start to surface. So we do everything in our power to avoid dealing with our feelings, not intentionally of course. Distracting ourselves from our feelings through drinking, partying or shopping has become second nature to us. This leads to a tsunami of feelings that come crashing upon us when the smallest of altercations face us .

But what if I told you there was a way to deal with emotional trauma in a healthier and truthful manner? In fact there are several techniques we could use! But first let’s clear up some of the biggest misconceptions regarding our emotions.

Our emotions are there for a reason. If we didn’t feel fear or stress during a fire, we wouldn’t jump into action! If we didn’t get upset about anything than we would be passionless robots! Start by acknowledging and appreciating the reason our emotions surface. They guide us. They are like a GPS revealing our next steps in life.

The reason we avoid our feelings is because we often make the mistake of identifying with them and thus dwelling. Allow me to break it down for you. When we say “I am depressed,” we’ve identified our purpose and existence with nothing more than depression. That is not to say that there won’t be moments when we will feel depression. We most certainly will because life is a roller coaster and change is inevitable. However, by saying “there is depression and I accept this feeling, ” rather than “I am depressed,” you’ve already unshackled yourself and can beginning the healing process.

Remember that we need to go through our feelings to transcend them. We can turn our breakdowns into break throughs and come out as the best versions of ourselves.

Spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, brought to my attention that feelings of depression are usually linked to our mind living in our past and allowing past traumas to dictate our life in the present. Feelings of stress and anxiety, on the other hand, indicate that we are trying to control the outcome of future events. We can conclude that our feelings follow our thoughts. Both types of feelings attack our immune system and leave us feeling defeated. Freedom is BEING in the present moment.

Below are a few ideas that could help you face your emotions and discover what you’ve been avoiding.

  1. Writing. I call writing “the 3$ therapy.” I remember when I was first advised to write my feelings down, I thought “boy! Give me a REAL solution.” I closed a door to healing because I thought I knew it all. Once I started writing, my life changed. Write your way into feeling better, behonest with yourself! you’d be surprised at how much you’ll learn about yourself! Make a list of all the things your grateful for. Remember that when you focus on the good, the good gets better!
  2. Meditation. Breath and body awareness meditation is my personal favorite meditation. By shifting focus to the breathing and body sensations I am able to quiet my mind and dive deep into solitude and silence. Meditation takes practice, but so does physical fitness and even art! Meditation will teach you the philosophy of letting go and presence.
  3. Go into nature. It’s essential to disconnect to reconnect. I find my authentic self in nature where I can be one with the healing aura of the trees. Walking on the earth with your bare feet is scientifically proven to heal the human body. It also helps me feel grounded.
  4. Remember what is important! Don’t be so hung up on why a certain path hasn’t been in your favor. The universe is trying to open you to open up to many other opportunities. It is often our stubborn attitudes that block us from our highest potential. Ask yourself if it would all matter if tomorrow was  your last day. Joy is your birthright! Allow yourself to feel happiness and joy by shifting your attention to all the great stuff in your life!

Overcoming Resistance

Facing your reflection every morning to say “You are enough and I love you” is physically the simplest thing you can do! But why isn’t it easy? Because we’ve spent so much time doing the complete opposite: comparing, competing and berating ourselves to the point where that judge-y voice inside our heads has normalized.

Resistance is what psychology refers to, as your mind and body rejecting new habits. It is our egos way of keeping us safe in what feels familiar and well.. like home. Think about how much we resist going to the gym when we haven’t exercised in a while. Our ego is terrified of unfamiliar territory and sticks to what it knows, that is, judging its way out of new healthy habits!

To understand the true essence of resistance, drop all beliefs that resistance is the enemy holding you back. Instead, start recognizing it as fear. In fact, resistance is synonyms with fear! It is your inner wounded child, AKA your ego, trying to keep you in what is comfortably safe. However, your comfort zone isn’s always a happy and safe zone, just one thats lived on for too long.

The good news: we can identify our thoughts in action beginning to bring about resistance. With awareness of those sneaky thoughts, 50% of the job is already well done! Only once we’ve identified the problem (our own thoughts) can we start fixing the problem!

Mel Robbins, one of my personal favorite motivational speakers, put forward a new thought process for overcoming resistance. She calls it “The five second rule.” By counting down from 5 you can launch yourself into the action you need to take to replace old harmful habits with happy healthy ones. The brilliance of this fail-proof plan  is that overthinking is avoided.

So the next time you feel resistance holding you back give “The Five Second Rule” a go. Make the process as fun as possible for yourself! Get excited about self-love! Remember you also have the power to make your healing process as fun and as easy as you make it! Lastly, be patient with yourself. We often get sidetracked with how LONG something takes and give up! Keep in mind that, practice makes the master.

With loving energy,
